Why Write? Why Read?

by David Pinto

Regarding his work, the artist says:

The writing is improvised. Would be nice to be completely inspired by the music, and sometimes it is entirely, but more often I have a kernel of a thought which I would like to explore and the music influences.

Originally, the idea was to invite others to write together on the same page, hence text-tango. However it ended up mostly my own writing and I found it a useful format to explore ideas solo, with awareness that someone else was reading. The tango is between reader and writer. I eventually settled on the usual start: here you are reading this now...

Other examples of David's work

David Pinto was a math teacher for a decade, focusing on self-organizing systems in classes. He achieved amazing results, but the system didn't change. David believes that if you can improve the quality of listening in a class, quality of learning improves, and results follow.

Over the last four years, he raised £125,000 for a startup which folded in the summer 2018, though the platform still exists. Users can generate revenue and distribute any digital content – without advertising.

Still not quite there, but its very close. In terms of art, created a genre called Jaxing in 2000, purely by accident; its like rap, but focusing on listening not talking. Textango is the text version, which is focused on reading, not writing.


I find the freshness and spontaneity of David’s works appealing. This vid is one example, but I encourage everyone to take a look at his other videos and see him in action. Thanks much, David.
Victor D. Sandiego, Dec 15, 2018 victordavid.com