Wayne-Daniel Berard
Wayne-Daniel Berard, Ph. D., teaches at Nichols College in Dudley, MA. He is the founding co-editor of Soul-Lit, an online journal of spiritual poetry. His work has appeared in Poetica, Tiferet, Red Wolf, Silly Tree, Twisted Ending, Melted Wing, Watershed Review, Kerem, Ruah, Sahara, Deronda Review, Muddy River Poetry Review, Nimble Spirit, Presence, Wilderness House Literary Review, Ibbitson Street, The Issue, and Soul-Lit, among other publications. His book, When Christians Were Jews, (That Is Now), is published by Cowely Publishing. His novel, The Retreatants, is published through smashwords.com. His latest offering is a chapbook, Christine Day, Love Poems. He lives in Mansfield, MA with his wife, The Lovely Christine.
Desperate by Wayne-Daniel Berard