About Subprimal Poetry Art/Music

by Subprimal Editors

Subprimal Poetry Art/Music was founded in 2013 to provide a community for quality thought provoking poetry and other art. We believe in poetry and other art that takes the reader / viewer / listener out of the ordinary and into an place altered from that which they normally experience. In an enjoyable, thought-provoking way.

The name Subprimal represents that which lies beneath the primal, that is: ambiences and sensations lower, or even further removed from the aboriginal. We like to explore the origins and manifestations of human consciousness and are always looking for fellow travelers.

Subprimal is an online journal only. Right now, we don't have any plans to create print editions, but this may change. It's possible that we'd make an editor's choice or similar type of publication.

Contact And Other Info


Victor David Sandiego lives in the high desert of central México where he writes, studies, and plays drums with jazz combos and in musical / poetry collaborations. His work appears in various journals (Cerise Press, Crab Creek Review, Floating Bridge Review, Off The Coast, Generations Literary Journal, Poetry Salzburg Review, others) and has been featured on public radio. He is the founder and current editor of Subprimal Poetry Art/Music.