Submission Guidelines for Book Listings
Updated: May 30, 2021
As a way of saying thanks to our contributors for their works, Subprimal Poetry Art/Music will list your book (or books) in our books section. Once listed, your book(s) will show up in the main books section and on your public profile page. Your public profile page also includes the works you have published on Subprimal – this enables everything (author, works, books) to be cross-linked and easily discoverable.
To get your book listed, email us with the following information:
- Title of the book.
- Description of the book, one or two paragraphs.
- An image of the book’s cover, at least 200 pixels wide. We’ll resize as necessary.
- A URL to the page where the reader can find more information about the book, and purchase it. This might be Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, the press where the book was published, etc. This URL should go to a page that is dedicated to the specific book, but you can use a link to (for instance) your Amazon author page instead, as long as the book is indeed listed there.
More Information
- You must have something published in Subprimal Poetry Art/Music to participate.
- The book must be related to our mission: poetry, fiction, art.
- The cover image should be JPEG format. You can send us a link to the cover image instead of the actual file, but make sure that the link goes directly to the image (not to a page that contains the image) and that the image meets the size requirement.
- If you have many books, please pick two or three.
- This service is a way of saying thanks. There is no charge.