Mémoire d'arbre / Tree Memory

by Marilyne Bertoncini | translated by Marilyne Bertoncini

Je fus cet arbre dans le brouillard
s'abreuvant aux nuages où s'agrippent ses branches

Je fus

Je fus l'ombre de l'arbre
sa sève souterraine et sa force lointaine

Je fus cette maison où brille une lumière
une étoile perdue au cœur de la matière

Je fus le feu lui-même son tison et sa cendre

Je fus

son goût amer dans l'aube qui s'éveille
son rêve devenu poudre d'or et poussière

I was that tree in the mist
drinking from clouds where the branches clasp

I was

I was the shadow of that tree
its underground sap and its far-off strength

I was this house where a light burns
a forlorn star at the heart of matter

I was fire itself
its ember and cinder

I was

its bitter taste in the wakening dawn
its dream reduced to gold specks

and dust

Musical composition by Victor David Sandiego

Marilyne Bertoncini – writer, translator, litterary critic,and editor of the online review "Recours au Poème" – has published numerous articles and critics on litterature, and translated the work of poets from all over the world. Her own poetry and photos have appeared in journals and online magazines such as Europe, The Wolf, Cordite, La Traductière, Capital des Mots, Ce qui reste, Phoenix... and can be seen on her blog – minotaura.unblog.fr

Her translation of Tony's Blues, poems by Barry Wallenstein, Martin Harrison's The Rainbow Snake, The Book of Seven Lives and Histoire de Famille, by Ming Di, have recently been published by Recours au Poème éditeurs and éditions Transignum for the last title. Her first personnal collection, Labyrinthe des Nuits was published in March 2015.
