No Boundaries Between Shadow and Life

by Marilyne Bertoncini

Regarding her work, the artist says:

This photo has been shot on a crisp morning – not yet spring – along a straight gorge of sandy loam. The grey light, the dusty clay, the silence – all was an evocation of some threshold – such as the passage the ancients imagined from our world to the nether regions. And there it stood – the remnant of an old enclosure, alluring and mysterious – opening on nothing else than shadow – shadows slowly emerging from the cold earth, inversed stairway for some Eurydice to come.

Marilyne Bertoncini – writer, translator, litterary critic,and editor of the online review "Recours au Poème" – has published numerous articles and critics on litterature, and translated the work of poets from all over the world. Her own poetry and photos have appeared in journals and online magazines such as Europe, The Wolf, Cordite, La Traductière, Capital des Mots, Ce qui reste, Phoenix... and can be seen on her blog –

Her translation of Tony's Blues, poems by Barry Wallenstein, Martin Harrison's The Rainbow Snake, The Book of Seven Lives and Histoire de Famille, by Ming Di, have recently been published by Recours au Poème éditeurs and éditions Transignum for the last title. Her first personnal collection, Labyrinthe des Nuits was published in March 2015.


Marilyne has a great talent for capturing the forlorn artifacts that humanity leaves strewn in its wake (see Memories of the Long-Lost Home also). I love the way we have a leftover piece of fence here, a gate to nowhere so to speak. I can imagine that once upon a time there was a farm here with a real family who has long since scattered into the shadows of other structures.
Victor D. Sandiego, Nov 19, 2015