
by Victor David Sandiego

Welcome to issue #6 of Subprimal Poetry Art/Music. We are rapidly approaching our third anniversary of publication, and I’m pleased to say that we’ve been reaching a wider and wider audience – and attracting a more diverse set of writers and artists from around the planet. Naturally, without writers, artists, and readers, we wouldn’t even exist – and so I’d like once again to say thank you everybody for your participation and support.

I don’t talk a lot about myself, nor the work we publish here on Subprimal, preferring instead to let things speak for themselves. However, I would like to say, that as an American ex-pat living in Mexico (going on seven years now), that Subprimal has become a very living connection to writers and artists that I might not otherwise have an opportunity to enjoy. I get to read your words, hear your voices, and admire the panoramic vision of your art.

This issue marks the first time that we’ve had a guest editor making selections, and what a broadening opportunity it’s been. John C. Mannone appears in earlier issues of Subprimal, and when I began to think about who I'd like to ask, his name came to me right away. When I ran it by him, I was very pleased that he not only said yes, but that it would be an honor.

Working with John has been a pleasure. He’s insightful and methodical. He works with writers to develop the best version of a piece possible. He has a knack to look beyond the imperfections we sometimes leave in our writing and see a jewel waiting to be polished.

And so, for our Spring 2016 issue, we have a unique and compelling set of written pieces and art. And, as always, many of the written pieces include a recording of the author’s reading that has been set to a custom musical composition. Enjoy, spread the word, and don't forget to leave your thoughts for our contributors in the comments section.

Victor David Sandiego lives in the high desert of central México where he writes, studies, and plays drums with jazz combos and in musical / poetry collaborations. His work appears in various journals (Cerise Press, Crab Creek Review, Floating Bridge Review, Off The Coast, Generations Literary Journal, Poetry Salzburg Review, others) and has been featured on public radio. He is the founder and current editor of Subprimal Poetry Art/Music.
