Clouds gauze the evening sun, the precipitous territory
between pine and fir. I angle for that perfect shot
of elemental harmony.
Trout slip through molecules of static lake,
silent and surreptitious in their passing,
weaving whispered stories to sighing needles,
while hot parched reeds sing their sere symphony.
The only discordant notes—the mysterious slurring
of Gaelic fairy trees.
Irish writer, Perry McDaid, currently has over a hundred short stories and a thousand poems of varying lengths and genres published or by the like of Aurora Wolf; Carillon; Salepot; Reach; Chaos Factory; Mad Scientist Journal; Everyday Fiction; Amsterdam Quarterly; Bunbury; SWAMP and others.
He lives beneath the brooding brows of the Donegal hills in his home town of Derry, from where he is known to set out in sturdy boots to hike the haunts of druids and warriors for inspiration.