From The Editor
by Victor David Sandiego

Hello and welcome to issue #9 of Subprimal Poetry Art/Music. We’ve been a little late getting things ready this time around (lots of traveling – that’s another story), but here we are at last ready with various pieces from around the world.
As you may know, we accept and encourage translations, although in the past, they’ve been from Spanish to English. For this issue, I’m pleased to say that we have work from Farhad Showghi (Germany) translated by Harry Roddy, and from Lidia Kosk (Poland) translated by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka. This is of course in addition to various other wonderful pieces that have arrived at out internet doorstep from the magical internet tubes that connect various countries and other arbitrary political boundaries.
One of my favorite things as editor of Subprimal is the chance it gives me to see work from around the world, to see what authors and artists from other cultures are working on. Aside from the Polish and German submissions that I already mentioned, we also received many fine submissions from Eurasia and had to make some tough choices. For future editions, it’s my wish that we’ll continue to showcase authors and artists that may be underrepresented in the western world.
Many thanks to our contributors and to everyone who sent their work our way; I appreciate your support and trust. We’ll take a short break until the next issue, but meanwhile, enjoy the edition that we’ve assembled this time around. And don’t be shy to leave your thoughts in the comments section.
Victor D. Sandiego