I słyszeć ciszę / To Hear the Silence

by Lidia Kosk | translated by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka

It is possible
to walk side by side
separately and together
like trees in a forest
that grow up
and together
are the forest

Splendid is the forest
when we walk alongside
and separately
hear the silence

Można iść obok
razem i osobno
jak drzewa w lesie
co dążą w górę
i razem
są lasem

Piękny jest ten las
obok gdy się idzie
i gdy osobno
słyszy się ciszę

Musical composition by Victor David Sandiego

Lidia Kosk, a poet, storyteller, educator, photographer. She is the author of eleven books of poetry and short stories, and two anthologies. Her collaboration with the poet and translator, Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka, resulted in two bilingual volumes: Niedosyt/Reshapings and Słodka woda, słona woda/Sweet Water, Salt Water. The Japanese edition of the second book appeared in 2016. Lidia collaborated with her husband, Henryk P. Kosk, on the two-volume Poland’s Generals: A Popular Biographical Lexicon. Her 90th birthday is celebrated with a publication of Szklana góra/Glass Mountain, a rendition of her poem in twenty-two languages. Her poems, translated into choral compositions, as the "Polish Triptych," have been performed in several countries. A lawyer, humanitarian, and world traveler, Lidia resides in Warsaw, Poland, where she leads literary workshops and a Poets’ Theater (ATP).

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka is the author of Oblige the Light, winner of the fifth Clarinda Harriss Poetry Prize (CityLit Press, 2015), and Face Half-Illuminated, a book of poems, translations, and prose (Apprentice House, 2014). A biochemist, poet, poetry translator, and co-editor of Loch Raven Review, she is also a photographer whose work has been exhibited in shows and used for book covers. She grew up in Poland and now lives in Maryland.

Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka


A fine poem! Words and sounds brilliantly echoing the meaning...
Sílvia Aymerich, Feb 06, 2018
Love the written poem and the english and polish versions. Polish is such an expressive language. Will seach more poems by lida.
Garry franks, Oct 19, 2017
Nice. Very nice
N. Muma Alain, Sep 19, 2017