Waiting for Oceans to Mourn After the Rain
A pincushion for thrusting needles.
I am raw
to all the muscles between bones.
Clench your fingers about my neck
until I have
a mouth full of tar.
When you finish; a smile drawn across my chest
and it is ecstasy to know that you are as vile as I am.
Catori Sarmiento is an author who has contributed fiction to Nothing. No One. Nowhere. by Virgogrey Press, The Citron Review, Brick Rhetoric, Foliate Oak Magazine, and Crossed Out Magazine. She has also contributed non-fiction to Her Kind and This Boundless World and several academic essays published by Student Pulse. Ms. Sarmiento also has had poetry published by Poetry Wall, Cactus Heart Press, and The Dead Flowers Poetry Rag. Professionally, She is an English and Writing Professor in Tokyo, Japan.