
by Lois Marie Harrod

Ptolemy didn’t need
a telescope to ascertain

what most believed—
all revolved

around their private ball of dust,
each mind a universe

focused on one and only,
a truth babies

know at birth
and few forget

as they grow older
though a Copernican

saint or two
claims it possible

to love beyond
and that the survival

of the individual
may depend

on the heresy
that not one of us

is the sole center
of all creation.

Musical composition by Victor David Sandiego

Lois Marie Harrod’s most recent collection Nightmares of the Minor Poet appears in May, 2016. Her chapbook And She Took the Heart appeared in January 2016, and her 13th and 14th poetry collections, Fragments from the Biography of Nemesis (Cherry Grove Press) and the chapbook How Marlene Mae Longs for Truth (Dancing Girl Press) appeared in 2013. The Only Is won the 2012 Tennessee Chapbook Contest (Poems & Plays), and Brief Term, a collection of poems about teachers and teaching was published by Black Buzzard Press, 2011. Cosmogony won the 2010 Hazel Lipa Chapbook (Iowa State). She is widely published in literary journals and online ezines from American Poetry Review to Zone 3. She teaches Creative Writing at The College of New Jersey.
